Professor Elemental Comics was a comics anthology series filled with short, whimsical tales of adventure, centring around a mad Victorian scientist/explorer/inventor/drinker of tea named Professor Elemental.
Professor Elemental is also (in the real world) a chap-hop rapper, who pens songs about tea and trousers, and has achieved international fame and recognition through his YouTube hits ‘Cup of Brown Joy’ and ‘Fighting Trousers’. I approached the Professor to discuss the creation of a comic about his character, having established that he was also a lover of comic books and shared my enthusiasm for the medium.
I volunteered to write the stories and edit the comic, liaising with artists and speaking to printers. From there, the project grew exponentially – Issue #1 was 24 pages long and contained 3 stories, all written by me, with some extra bits and pieces. Issue #2 reached 56 pages in total, featuring 5 stories written by me and several by guest writers. Issues #3, #4 and #5 all followed, each around 32 pages with a range of fantastic creators involved. We also experimented with the two-part stories and introduced some new characters that are not part of the Professor’s world.
My collaborations with the Professor have also extended out beyond the anthology comics themselves, and we continue to work together on a range of creative projects and ideas.